Tuesday, November 3, 2020

5 Things That DO NOT Happen At Diabetes Education

Most people are not familiar with diabetes education services, or what we will talk about at diabetes education. In fact, only about 60% of people with diabetes have had any formal diabetes education. At diabetes education, we really focus on the self-care skills that will help you manage your diabetes every day. That includes:
  • Health Eating
  • Being Active
  • Taking Medication
  • Monitoring Blood Glucose
  • Healthy Coping
  • Problem Solving
  • Reducing Risk
We break down the information in "small bites" and work together with you, step-by-step from where you are currently to where you want to be in managing your diabetes. Our job is to help you reach your goals.

For all the things we will work on together, there are 5 things that we WON'T DO at diabetes education. 
Here they are:
  1. We won't give you a list of foods you can't have. After talking with us, you will discover that a diabetes meal plan is really a healthy way of eating that your whole family can share with you. Even treats such as ice cream, or chocolate, can be worked in with a little planning and some knowledge about sensible portions.
  2. We won't act like the "diabetes police". We are here to help, not criticize! Wherever you are at with your diabetes care, even if your blood sugars have never been in control, or you have given up trying, we are here to meet you wherever you are today and together, we can find a way  to move forward to a place of health and healing.
  3. We won't judge you based on your blood sugar numbers. We know that diabetes is a real challenge, and we know that nobody has perfect blood sugars all the time. We also know that blood sugar numbers are just that- a number, and they're not a judgment about your value as a person. 
  4. We won't expect you to change overnight. Change is not easy! Making changes in your life, like the way your eat, exercising, or doing new things like checking your blood sugar takes practice and effort. Most new habits take weeks or months to become part of your routine, and that's okay. We are here to encourage you while you learn.
  5. We won't have a "magic cure". There is no one perfect diet, medication or exercise plan that works for everybody. Each person is different and unique. The internet is full of websites that promise to "cure" diabetes, but they aren't giving the full story.

Diabetes educators are here to help you learn how to take care of yourself, learn about your treatment plan, and help you deal with fears and barriers that get in your way of reaching your goals.


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