Monday, April 8, 2019

Time for Spring Cleaning (Your Diabetes Routine)!

Spring is here! Finally, a long winter is slowly losing it's grip and the season of spring is creeping in and waking up the trees, flowers and fields all around us. There's just something about the sun finally peeking out again after months of cold and darkness that gets our energy flowing again. For many people, this means it's time to clean up our yards and homes and remove winter's traces and let in the fresh spring air.

Spring is also a chance to clean up the ol' diabetes routine too. Maybe over the winter, you slipped back a bit in your eating habits or exercise. Believe me, you're not alone! With the new season upon us, why not take an opportunity to bring your healthy habits out of hibernation and give your diabetes care routine a fresh start. Here are 3 "spring cleaning' ideas to help you get on track with your diabetes care.

1. Clean up the cupboard:
When the winter weather drives us indoors and the days are shorter, it's easy to eat more than usual, especially the grains and starchy foods. Now might be a good time to take a look at your cupboards; the chips, crackers, cookies and other "carbs" that we crave through the winter can pack on the pounds and drive up blood sugar. Fresh fruits and vegetables are coming into season and that can mean prime-time for catching good deals at the grocery store. The spring and summer months can be a great time to enjoy more fresh fruits and vegetables and get the meal plan back on track.

2. Dust off your exercise routine:
We know that through the winter, it's hard to get outside and exercise and it's hard to find things to do to be physically active inside. There's just so many more opportunities to be active when the weather is welcoming. If you've spent the winter inside and haven't been active for a while, you might have to start slow and work your way back in shape. Set small, achievable goals; any activity is better than nothing at all. Generally, it's recommended to get about 30 minutes of physical activity, most days of the week. If you're not sure if you're healthy enough to exercise- ask your doctor.
*Watch out for those marathon yard-work sessions! Sometimes people get so busy on these first nice spring days, that they forget to come inside and eat. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can happen when you are more active than usual and you skip a meal or eat late. To be safe, carry a source of glucose (sugar) with you in case you have a low blood sugar reaction, and stick with your usual meal schedule.

3. Check those test strips:
Did you know that the glucose test strips that you use to check your blood sugar have an expiration date? Maybe you've heard that many foods are actually okay after their "use by" date? Well, that does not hold true for glucose test strips; they are not good after their "use by" date. That's because a blood glucose test relies on a chemical reaction in the strip that is read by your blood glucose meter. There is a tiny amount of chemical in those strips that with time, deteriorate and affects the quality of the test. Check the expiration date on your test strips, and throw them out if they are expired. Depending on the model of meter that you use, some meters will not give a result if the strips are expired. Other meters might give you a result, but the result will not be accurate if the strips are outdated. Time for a new supply!

Have a safe and happy spring season!

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